Process Description:
This explains the various stages involved in the process of making a multimedia presentation.
Stage 1: Requirement Gathering
This stage involves in gathering the requirements for the presentation. The client is given a Project Request Form in which he describes the primary objective of the presentation and the target audience. He also fills up the Client Survey Form in which he answers to various questions related to the project. The two of the forms acts as input to plan out the project.
Stage 2: Planning
In this stage we need to plan on the following:
What is the timeline of the project?
Are the available resources sufficient enough?
Technology needed and technology to be used.
This step involves determining the boundaries of the project as well as identifying how the project relates to the overall objective. It is also important to plan the project keeping the target audience in mind.
Stage 3: Designing
At this stage we produce a storyboard of the project to organize the ideas or plan of the project. We create an outline; draw diagrams to explain each and every scene of the project. Storyboards should include associated audio scripts that will eventually be recorded, text scripts, and placement of visuals as photos, clip art. This also explains the flow involved in the project. We also develop a prototype of the scenes and get client review and approval on the flow. This is to ensure that there is not going to be any change in the flow of the scenes in the future. In this stage we also define the formats for the media and the media development team has to ensure that they develop the media in the required format.
Stage 4: Development
During the development phase, the team will deal with the technical aspects of creating Graphic, and editing audio and video. It is here that the team will need to know about correct use of file formats and how to apply appropriate resolution and compression techniques affecting file size. This process helps the team to examine the time issue for successful project completion and storage requirements for files. In this stage we need to ensure that the media is being produced keeping the target media in mind.
Stage 5: Authoring
This stage involves in assembling of the media assets, which was produced in the previous stage. This stage involves in creating the navigational flow of the presentation. The author assembles the assets produced at Stage 4 to create a flow between them by making use of the storyboard prepared at Stage 3, as the guideline.
Stage 6: Testing
The team should "alpha" test the product and make revisions at each stage in the development and authoring process, before presenting a project as finished. "Beta" testing or usability testing with members who were not part of the development of the presentation will offer a fresh perspective on the product, point out problem areas, and provide recommendations for improvement, which the developers might not have observed. This ensures flawless delivery of the product.
Stage 7: Delivery
The presentation is ready for delivery and has to be delivered in the target media as specified by the client. The presentation has to be checked once it is written to the media. This will ensure that we have included all the media assets to run the presentation effectively.
Stage 8: Backup
The raw audio, video files, the media assets prepared and the final presentation have to be taken proper backup and the backup has to be labeled and properly indexed for future reference.